Thursday, August 8, 2013

Gravlax Kim Bap


An East meets North recipe this is one of the must haves when I make gravlax. Taking one of our favorite Korean dishes along with a favorite Swedish dish we have created a monster. J

Traditional Kim Bab has egg and radish along with the other ingredients listed below. I’ve replaced these with gravlax since it has it’s own tangy/sweet taste the egg and radish provide in the original.

4 cups cooked sushi rice (I get an organic rice from Whole Foods)
6 to 8 sushi roll seaweed sheets
Large cucumber
2 medium carrots, peeled
4 cooked and thinly sliced shitake mushrooms (I use dried shitake mushrooms from Costco, boiling about 1/2 cup for this recipe)
8 gravlax slices, 1/4 - 3/8 inch thick slices and at least 8 inches long.


  1. Prepare cucumber by cutting lengthwise into thin slices, about 1/4 inch thick.
  2. Prepare carrots by boiling for 5 minutes and slicing lengthwise into 1/8 inch thick strips.
  3. Place seaweed sheet on clean flat surface or bamboo sushi roller, with the short end facing you.
  4. Spread rice less than a 1/4 inch thick over entire sheet. This is the most difficult point of the recipe. If your rice isn’t moist enough it will be hard to spread thinly.
  5. About 1/2 inch from the edge closest to you place a slice of gravlax, slice of cucumber, 3-4 slices of carrot, and line of mushrooms.
  6. Roll seaweed from the end closest to you place on a plate with the seam side down.
  7. Repeat with remaining ingredients.
  8. Cut each roll into eight slices and serve.

Original Recipe: The inspiration for this recipe is all mine…maybe a little of my husbands. J

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