Thursday, June 27, 2013

Banana Oatmeal Pancakes


Another Pinterest find with a couple of modifications. I kept the egg yolks and added in some almond milk to make the batter a little thinner. I think I prefer this to the banana egg pancakes I posted previously.

Taste great with maple syrup.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Roasted Cabbage


I was deferring from blogging this particular recipe since it was a huge copy from Pinterest, but figured I would any way just to show a slightly different way of doing it.

The biggest difference is in the oil. I never use cooking spray unless I’m doing a mass baking project for a fundraiser. Also I got a great tip from a PamperedChef  rep that cooking spray should never be used on Teflon products. For home cooking I only use coconut oil and occasionally olive oil if I need the oil to be liquid and am too lazy to melt the coconut oil.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Puppy “Waterproof” Car Hammock

Found this on Pinterest and have meant to make one for the longest while, with a slight twist using Babyville fabric making it waterproof…I hope. Unfortunately, I was a bit late in making it because the puppies got stuck in the car a minute too long this past weekend, thus sparking an immediate reason to take the project on.

Here's to hoping the "waterproofing" works. J