Thursday, April 25, 2013

Penne Pasta & Eggs


We added eggs to our almost vegan diet recently. I think we’re officially vegetarians who eat fish. J Since we added eggs I’ve been going a wonderful scavenge for egg-based dishes.

Since we cut out gluten as well, it’s been hard to find the perfect pasta. I’ve found some good rice based pastas, but the texture is a little too different from regular wheat pasta and is hard to truly appreciate as a pasta substitute. The best ones I’ve found are quinoa/corn based, and I just found a perfect blend of it at Costco. An organic/gluten free brand (Ancient Grains) has perfect texture and taste to replace wheat pasta.

I found a version of this recipe online when I was searching for a good egg/pasta dish. Like all of my recipe expeirmetns I modified the original recipe with some of my favorite flavors (garlic, onion, black pepper) I also decreased the number of eggs from 6 to 4, and used coconut oil instead of butter.


- 3 cups penne pasta (I used an organic/gluten free brand, Ancient grains, I found at Costo. You can also use other pastas of course. I've tried this with spaghetti and it works just as well.)
- 4 eggs, lightly beaten (I get organic eggs from Costco)
- ¼ cup coconut oil (I order coconut oil in bulk from It’s cheaper than any store outside of the Caribbean. Stores in North America charge a ridiculous amount for such a simple/healthy product.)
- 4 cloves of garlic, minced (Add more or less depending on your preference for garlic.)
- Small onion, chopped (I added this because I love onions. It’s not necessary.)
- Salt & pepper to taste

  1. Cook pasta according to package directions. I like it a little aldente. Adds to the texture in the end.
  2. When the pasta is done, drain well and set aside.
  3. Heat oil in a large pan, and sauté the garlic and onion until the garlic is lightly browned.
  4. Add pasta to oil, coating the pasta and stirring constantly.
  5. When the pasta is well coated in the oil add the eggs to the pans and mix thoroughly, ensuring all the egg gets cooked.
  6. Serve immediately…(also tastes good the next day though J)

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