Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Kitchen Things

Everyone has their favorite can't live without kitchen items, and food supplies. Sometimes that list includes a certain knife or wooden spoon, pot or plate. I have about a hundred little things I must have handy. If ever I find myself without one of these items after a move it immediately goes on my "to purchase" list.

Here are a few of my favorites to start.
1. Coconut SugarTo avoid using the dreaded ingredient of regular sugar I have invested in a wonderful substitute, coconut sugar. The cheapest I've found it at is Amazon.

2. Measure All Cup - I got this from Pampered Chef. It's great for getting sticky ingredients out of your cup, like honey or coconut oil.

3. Labels and Containers - To get rid of the multiple open bags of various ingredients in my pantry I went on a hunt for low priced, easy to stack containers. I found some good ones at Wal Mart, and had some decent ones from Ikea as well.

4. Garlic Press - I also got this from Pampered Chef. I've had some nifty garlic choppers in the past, and really wanted another one. I had gotten invited to an Pampered Chef party and had asked about which of the garlic products were best. My salesperson recommended this one and I am happy I bought it. You can use it with the garlic clove peel still on, it's sturdy (I've had ones that have broken with too much force), and it has a nifty little brushy/hole poker thingy to clean it out.

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