Thursday, August 8, 2013

Gravlax Kim Bap


An East meets North recipe this is one of the must haves when I make gravlax. Taking one of our favorite Korean dishes along with a favorite Swedish dish we have created a monster. J

Traditional Kim Bab has egg and radish along with the other ingredients listed below. I’ve replaced these with gravlax since it has it’s own tangy/sweet taste the egg and radish provide in the original.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Gravad Lax/Gravlax/Marinated Salmon


Love my Swedish background, mostly for Ikea, but also for the food. J One of my favorite dishes is gravlax, a type of marinated salmon, served raw. Thankfully Ikea had a cookbook of Swedish recipes, including gravlax.

It is not too complicated, but does require planning ahead, since it needs to marinate for at least 3 days. Thankfully we have fridges to marinate our salmon in. The original recipe used the cool of the earth to keep the fish until it was ready.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Had I Known...Another List for Brides to Be

Everyone says they would do it differently, and I'm one of those people. I wish I knew about Pinterest and Etsy before I got married. I wish I knew where I might get disappointed in the planning process. When considering all of these "wishes" and "wishes" I've heard from other brides I came up with this list. These are not all points from my own wedding, but from what I’ve seen, heard and experienced at several weddings, including my own.